

The ChooChoo command line interface is currently fragile. The commands must be written exactly as listed; capitalisation and whitespace matters. Making the interface more robust is on the developer-todo.

choochoo list commands

List all commands available to the user type (either student, instructor or admin).

choochoo list people

List all students, instructors and admins by github username. The list is parsed from. ./instructor/settings.yml.

choochoo check [@handle] is [student/instructor/admin]
e.g. choochoo check @lucydot is instructor

Check if github username @handle is listed as a student, instructor or admin in ./instructor/settings.yml.

choochoo vote up

question issues only
Add an up-vote to the proposed question. Once a pre-specified number of votes is met an admin will be invited to add the question to the question bank.

choochoo generate [positive integer] questions
e.g. choochoo generate 5 questions

student issues only
Generate a webpage containing [positive integer] questions from the question bank. The questions correspond to the objectives which have not been ticked in the issue thread. Unless otherwise specified the webpage can be found at where handle is the github username of the person issuing the command.

choochoo generate [positive integer] questions for objectives [positive integers with spaces]
e.g. choochoo generate 5 questions for objectives 1 2 4

student issues only
Generate a webpage containing [positive integer] questions from the question bank. The questions correspond to the specified objectives. Unless otherwise specified the webpage can be found at where handle is the github username of the person issuing the command.