
Website Credits and License

This website was built using Hugo with a tweaked version of the code editor theme. The image on the landing page was created by Richard Scott and is used with permission.

The content of this website, unless otherwise indicated, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. You can re-use any of its content as long as the following attribution is included, and you indicate if changes were made: © Lucy Whalley (CC-BY 4.0).

Personal Summary - Lucy Whalley

My research uses solid state physics, quantum chemistry and supercomputers to investigate why particular materials can efficiently generate energy from sunlight (solar cells), or repeatedly store and release energy (rechargeable batteries). I am an Assistant Professor at Northumbria University, and was previously a researcher in the Materials Design Group at Imperial College London.

I am a fellow of the Software Sustainability Institute and an Associate Editor at the Journal of Open Source Software. I am interested in how we can improve research practice in the computational sciences, with a focus on working openly and software publishing.

I am a qualified teacher (PGCE), and I have taught in a variety of settings - universities, prisons, primary schools and cafes. I currently teach programming, computational physics and quantum mechanics to undergraduates and postgraduates.

I co-organise the Rising Stars workshops to support under-represented groups in Materials Science.

I am a mum to 1,2,3 4 year old Robin, who I am training to be a world class Hacker.


Full name

Lucy Dorothy Whalley


Department of Mathematics, Physics & Electrical Engineering
Northumbria University
Ellison Place
Newcastle upon Tyne

Email: l dot whalley at northumbria dot ac dot uk

My (probably out-of-date) CV can be downloaded as a pdf here.